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Legal notice

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The following General Terms and Conditions govern access to and use of the URL www.SAÓviajesa.es (hereinafter referred to as the Website).

These General Conditions shall be incorporated into all contracts made through the Web Page www.SAÓviajes.es, and must be accepted by Users who decide to contract any Service offered or advertised through the same.

The User undertakes, in the event of wishing to use any of the Services offered via this Website, to:

1. Read these General Conditions in their entirety.
2. Accept them prior to any use of the same.
3. Comply with the obligations contained in these General Conditions.
4. Print or save, on a storable medium, a copy of these General Terms and Conditions for future reference prior to any Booking.

Except where the context requires, the following definitions shall have the same meaning as set out below for all purposes. Definitions are equally applicable whether they are mentioned in the singular or in the plural.
“Reservation summary” means the documentation sent by SAÓ viajes naturales S.L. via email that constitutes the formalization and relationship of all contracted Services and the other data necessary for the enjoyment of them under the agreed conditions.
By “Provider” is understood any service provider that is, by reason of its object, activity and the contracted Service, the person in charge and responsible for carrying out the Services contracted by the User itself.
“Booking” means the contracting of any Service offered through the Website, by any type of payment method and term.
“Service” means any tourist element offered, advertised or linked on the Website, such as, but not limited to, the following: transport services, accommodation services, car rental services, services offered by companies at the destination and resulting from the contracting of any of the above or travel insurance, assistance or any other type.
“User” means a customer who accesses the Website to obtain information and who, in certain cases, contracts or books the services offered.
“Web” means the website www.SAÓviajes.es, which is owned by SAÓ Viajes Naturales S.L.

On the one hand, SAÓ Viajes Naturales S.L., with registered office at Calle almas 3. 46002 Valencia y CIF B-98828544. Company duly registered in the Mercantile Register of Valencia in Volume 10127, Folio 100, Page V-170920, and with the registration number CV-Mm1903-V as a travel agency. Hereinafter referred to as “SAÓ”. And, on the other hand, the “User”, who accesses the page to obtain information and contract the services offered through the Website.

SAÓ offers the use of this website to Users, subject to their acceptance, without modification, of the General Conditions set out herein. By the use of this SAÓVIAJES.es website by the User, it is understood that the User agrees with all the terms and conditions set out therein.
If the User does not agree with them, he/she will not have the right to use the SAÓ websites.
SAÓ, as the legal owner of this website, offers different content, services and products to the User in the name and on behalf of Wholesale Travel Agencies and different Tourism Service Providers. Under no circumstances may the operation of this website be interpreted as an instrument for the direct sale of such services in its own name, such as, but not limited to, airline tickets, car rental services, train tickets, hotel reservations and the sum of two or more of the aforementioned.
The User declares that he/she is of legal age (i.e. at least 18 years old) and has the necessary legal capacity to be bound by this agreement and to use this website in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions set forth herein, which he/she declares that he/she fully understands and comprehends. In the event of contracting by minors, the authorisation of their legal representatives shall be required in order to access the services that may have been contracted.
The User is responsible for treating the passwords provided by SAÓ for accessing the Website confidentially and for keeping them in safe custody, preventing unauthorised third parties from gaining access to them. The User agrees to be responsible for the financial consequences of any use of this website that occurs through the use of their passwords, as well as for the fraudulent use of these passwords by third parties.
The User also declares that all the information provided by him/her for accessing this website and in the course of using it is true, complete and accurate and undertakes to keep it updated.

The User may register on the Website by filling in the following details: name, surname, telephone number and e-mail address. Once you have entered these details, the system will send an email to the email address you have provided, providing you with a unique link to a web page. The User, by accessing this link, will provide a password, repeating it.
In those cases in which the User’s login is made through other sites outside SAÓ, such as Facebook, the authentication is outsourced to the authentication system of the site in question (e.g. Facebook).

The User can make reservations for the services that can be found on the Website through the website www.SAÓviajes.es or through the telephone sales line on 96 106 49 03.
The contract is formalised at the same time as confirmation of acceptance of the general terms and conditions and privacy policy and payment. In accordance with the provisions of article 27 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the electronic document formalising the contract for the acquisition of any of the Services will be filed in SAÓ’s records and will be accessible to the User at any time, by requesting it by email to info@soviajes.es. The acquisition by the User of any services from Suppliers that are carried out through the Website will be governed exclusively by the specific terms and conditions of said Suppliers.
The acquisition of the right to receive or enjoy any contracted Service will only be effective at the moment that SAÓ validly charges the credit or debit card provided or receives, in those cases where this is permitted, the transfer for the total amount of the purchase. SAÓ reserves the right to cancel Reservations made in the event of non-payment, chargeback, card refusal, false information provided or in the event of obvious impossibility to check and verify the card details provided. The User shall be responsible for ensuring that the credit or debit cards used are owned by him/her and that there are sufficient balances to cover the cost of the contracted Service.
Once a payment is made, SAÓ automatically confirms the reservation and sends an email to the client indicating the reservation locator, the summary of the services purchased, and the details of what has been paid and what is pending payment (in the case of deferred payment).
When the client pays the full amount of the booking, SAÓ sends another email with the vouchers to be taken directly to the trip.
The trip descriptions on the Website specify the Services included in the price of each trip. Prices are quoted in Euros.

For bookings of an amount equal to or greater than ONE THOUSAND EUROS (1000€), and whose departure is planned within THIRTY (30) days or more from the date of booking, the customer will be offered the possibility of paying for the trip in instalments. Payment in instalments will consist of 30% of the trip at the time of booking and the remaining 70% 15 days before departure. This charge will be made automatically and, in no case will SAÓ ask the User again for their details or any information previously provided by the User.

Unless expressly stated otherwise, the price does not include any other services not specified, such as, but not limited to, visas, vaccination certificates, “extras” such as coffees, wines, liquors, mineral waters; special diets; washing and ironing of clothes, parking, use of the telephone, cots, TV rental; spa services, spas, thermal baths, massages, medical, therapeutic or health treatments; and any other similar service that the establishment offers for a separate price from the main accommodation service contracted.
In certain destinations, additional taxes apply such as, but not limited to, tourist/local taxes which may vary depending on the category of the establishment and the destination, such taxes are payable directly at the hotel establishment and the User shall be solely responsible for paying them.
Modifications prior to the start of the stay in the accommodation
In the event of changes to your Booking, SAÓ cannot guarantee the availability of the Supplier for the new dates or conditions required. Once your request has been received, the establishment will be contacted to confirm the new conditions, which will be offered for acceptance by the User. The management fees for modifications to any Accommodation Service contracted through SAÓ will depend, where applicable, on the hotel establishment and the regulations in force at the time.
Modifications after the start of the stay in the accommodation
In the event of any modification of the contracted conditions once the use of the accommodation services has begun, SAÓ undertakes to make every effort to satisfy the user’s requests. Any modification requested that involves new conditions with the establishment will be offered to the User beforehand so that he/she can accept them.

SAÓ, as the legal owner of this website, offers different air transport services to the User, acting on behalf of air carriers. Under no circumstances may the use of this website be interpreted as an instrument for the direct sale of these services in its own name, with SAÓ acting as an intermediary.

Except where the context requires, the following definitions shall have the same meaning as set out below for all purposes. Definitions are equally applicable whether they are mentioned in the singular or in the plural.
Electronic ticket: means the itinerary/receipt issued by or on behalf of the contracting carrier, electronic coupons, and, where applicable, a shipping document of which these conditions form part.
Contractual Carrier: Any air carrier that carries or undertakes to carry the passenger and his baggage under the contract of carriage by air.
Common Carrier: Another carrier performing part or all of the carriage contracted with and authorised by the contracting carrier.
Montreal Convention: Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air, signed in Montreal on 28 May 1999.
Council Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 of 9 October 1997, as amended by Regulation (EC) No 889/2002 of 13 May 2002, on the liability of Community air carriers in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage.
Carriage performed under a contract concluded through the Website shall be subject to the rules and limitations laid down in the Warsaw Convention of 1929 and the Montreal Convention of 1999, in their successive versions in force at the time of Booking, unless the carriage cannot be considered as “international carriage” as defined in those Conventions, in which case the applicable national law shall apply. To the extent not contrary to this law, carriage and other services performed by the carrier shall be governed by the provisions appearing on the air ticket; the applicable tariffs; the conditions of carriage established by the carrier; and the provisions forming part of this contract, except that for carriage between any point in the United States or Canada and any point outside these countries, the rules in force in those territories shall apply.
The air ticket is valid for at least 12 months from the date of issue, unless otherwise stated on the ticket, in the conditions of carriage, in the applicable regulations or in the carrier’s tariff manuals.
The prices indicated on the website include airport taxes. However, they do not include all costs for visas and exit fees from a country or territory.
Airport charges are subject to change after the date of purchase of the ticket. If there is an increase in a fee or tax after the date of purchase of the ticket, the passenger must pay the difference from those reflected at the time of purchase. If, due to delay or delay in the payment of the Reservation, there are changes in the applicable rate of airport taxes, these will be passed on to the User from the time of the reservation until the ticket is issued.
In order to always offer the best price to the User, return fares will be offered. The conditions for cancellation and modification of tickets shall be those of the Airline’s own cancellation and change policy. Informing the User that the cancellation of the outward journey will result in the cancellation of the return journey.
Users shall be responsible for being informed and in possession of the documentation required by the laws or authorities of the countries in order to be able to fly to the destination, as well as for complying with the requirements demanded in each case by the competent governmental authorities (for example, vaccinations), without it being possible, having fulfilled the Agency’s general duty of information, to present any claim to SAÓ due to the impossibility of carrying out the contracted flight due to not having the documentation or not complying with the requirements demanded by the competent governmental authority.
The User can find information on governmental documentation requirements, both for entry and exit, on the website of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (www.maec.es) or at the corresponding body according to the User’s nationality.
Domestic or national flights:
-It is compulsory to have an identity document. However, some domestic flights may be considered as international flights, so passengers must be in possession of a valid identity document/passport.
International flights:
-On flights within the Schengen area, as long as you are a national of a country of the European Community, and unless the Treaty has not been temporarily suspended, only a national identity card is required.
A national identity card or passport and, depending on the destination, a visa is required. In no case shall the residence card be valid as the sole document. Spanish citizens in possession of a valid, machine-readable Spanish passport may travel to the United States without the corresponding visa, thanks to the Visa Waiver Program (V.W.P) through the Electronic System for Travel Authorization (E.S.T.A.), which includes travel in transit through the United States.
Minors under 14 years of age flying with their parents must carry their Family Book in order to be able to fly in national territory and their parents must be properly identified. You will need your national identity card for Community flights (Schengen area); and your passport (and visa if the destination country requires it) for international and Community flights that do not apply the Schengen treaty. Passengers aged 14 and over must present the same documentation as adult passengers. In any case, we recommend that you check with each airline company the provisions regarding the required documentation.
For unaccompanied minors, in addition to the aforementioned documentation, parents or guardians must present an authorisation, and complete the necessary documentation required by the airline to accept the unaccompanied minor. Please note that Ryanair does not accept unaccompanied minors.
The User is solely responsible for obtaining the boarding pass by the means provided by the different airlines and the User is solely responsible for choosing the most appropriate option for each situation.
It is recommended that the User confirms the flight times with the airline at least 24 hours before departure, as the airlines may change the departure time and there may not be time to communicate this change at the last minute.
Likewise, in the case of special or charter flights, the information identifying the airline, aircraft class, timetable, itinerary and possible stopovers are merely indicative and the User is recommended to confirm the information prior to the departure of his/her flight.
It is compulsory for the User to reconfirm the flight schedule directly with the airline at least 48 hours before the scheduled departure. The stopovers are merely indicative and the User is recommended to confirm the details prior to the departure of his/her flight.
It is recommended that you arrive at the airport of departure at least two (2) hours before boarding.
The check-in of baggage other than hand baggage must be done at the counter assigned to the airline for this purpose, where the passenger will be given a baggage check. Baggage that has been checked in shall be handed over to the person shown as the bearer of the baggage check.
Baggage check-in is not always from origin to final destination, which may mean that the bag must be re-checked at the connecting airport. The policy regarding baggage check-in depends both on the airline (some airlines, such as Vueling, do not check in up to the final destination if there are 2 stopovers), and on the countries/airports you fly to or through.
The air carrier is obliged to carry the passenger’s baggage but may limit the number of items or the maximum weight, and may choose to charge a fee to be fixed in the contract of carriage. We recommend that you check with the airline before you travel about the conditions of your hand baggage allowance.
In the event of incidents with your baggage (damage, delay, loss) according to the Montreal Convention, the airline is solely responsible for the damage caused.
Baggage incidents (loss, damage, delay)
In the event of an incident with your baggage, we recommend that you report it before leaving the airport, at the airline counters (or if the airline is not present at the airport, to your Handling Agent or representative). When you report the incident at the airport, the airline or its handling agent will issue a Baggage Irregularity Report (BIR) and give you a copy.
A formal written complaint must also be made to the carrier, together with a copy of the Baggage Irregularity Report. Such a claim must be made within the time limits set by the Montreal Convention:
Damage to baggage: In the event of damage to baggage, you must submit a claim to the carrier within 7 days of the date of delivery at the latest.
Baggage delay: If baggage delivery is delayed, the claim must be submitted within 21 days of the date on which the baggage should have been received.
Loss of baggage: The Montreal Convention does not set a time limit, although it is recommended to make a claim as soon as possible after the 21 days during which the bag has been ‘delayed’, or after confirmation from the airline itself that your baggage is lost.

VII.I. SAÓ considers confirmed, and therefore, definitive, those reservations that appear with their locator. Once confirmed by the airline, the tickets are issued and the cancellation and modification conditions of each airline with which the reservation has been made are applied. Neither SAÓ, nor any other airline with which subsequent flights have been contracted, will be held responsible for any expenses or damages caused in relation to the cancellation or modification mentioned above.
VII.II. In the event of flight cancellation or delay, the provisions of the applicable law shall apply. If the air carrier cancels, delays or denies boarding to a User with a validly issued ticket and in respect of previously confirmed seats; fails to stop at a destination or stopover point fixed in the contract of carriage; or causes the loss of a connecting flight, provided that the connection is the subject of the contract of carriage and appears as a guaranteed service contracted by the User, the User may be entitled to obtain compensation under the terms provided by the applicable legislation.
VII.III. If any of the problems referred to in the previous paragraph occur, the User must immediately ask the representative of the operating airline to try to solve them.
VII.IV. If the User suffers a situation of denied boarding, cancellation or long delay and the operating airline fails to fulfil its obligations, the User must file a complaint with the relevant national authority. If your flight departs from a European Union country, it is in this state that you must do it. If travelling from outside the European Union on a flight operated by an EU airline, the presentation must be made in the EU country where the flight lands.
VII.V. There are tickets within SAÓ’s offer that are non-refundable, which means that they do not allow any type of refund as a result of change, modification or cancellation by the user. In this type of fares, the User accepts the conditions of the tickets purchased from the airline company and that they are not refundable under any circumstances, and therefore the User will not be entitled to a refund.
For this reason, the User is recommended to take out a Cancellation Insurance policy at the time of booking confirmation.
Bookings made with low cost airlines: Although SAÓ is at your disposal for the cancellation of these tickets, these must be made directly by the User to the airline. In the event of changes or cancellations by the airline, the airline shall be solely responsible for such changes or cancellations as SAÓ is merely an intermediary.
VII.VI. If a User requests a change of date or cancellation of his/her reservation, each case will be studied individually, informing him/her of the change and cancellation policy specific to his/her reservation, and always under the consideration and acceptance of the Airline. SAÓ will charge 35 euros per person for the experiences with accommodation, 50 euros per person for the great getaways, as a processing fee for changes of dates or cancellations. In no case shall these management fees be refundable. For low cost airlines, in the event that the reservation allows changes, cancellations or requests for special services, the customer must contact the airline directly, as SAÓ cannot make requests, changes or cancellations on low cost airline tickets.
VII.VIII. The data entered at the time of confirming the purchase (personal details, selected flights, etc.) must be correct, as any subsequent modification could result in the loss of the original fare and entail penalties from the airlines and a handling charge from SAÓ of 20 euros per passenger as a result of the reissuing of the tickets.
If the reservation is erroneous because the User has provided incorrect information, he/she should contact SAÓ as soon as possible, so that the appropriate steps can be taken with the airline to try to minimise the costs, if applicable.

SAÓ offers the User the possibility of taking out a Cancellation Insurance policy that allows, where applicable, the recovery of the amount of the reservation made. SAÓ recommends the subscription of the aforementioned insurance, which will be effective at the time of confirmation of the Reservation. SAÓ recommends that you review the General Conditions of the contract prior to contracting it.

Under the applicable rules, the carrier is liable for damage caused in case of death or bodily injury of a passenger when the accident that caused the damage occurred on board the aircraft or during any of the operations of embarkation or disembarkation. The carrier may be fully or partially exonerated from liability if it proves that the passenger’s negligence or other wrongful act or omission caused or contributed to the damage.
There is no financial limit set for liability in case of injury or death of the passenger. For damages up to a maximum of 113,100 SDRs, claims for compensation cannot be contested by the carrier. Above this amount, the air carrier can only contest a claim if it can prove that there was no negligence or other fault on its part, or that the damage was due solely to the negligence or other wrongful act or omission of a third party.
ADVANCE PAYMENT: In the event of death or injury of a passenger, the air carrier must make an advance payment to cover immediate economic needs within 15 days of the day on which the person entitled to compensation is identified. In the event of death, this advance may not be less than 16,000 SDRs.
DELAY IN THE PASSENGER’S ARRIVAL AT THEIR DESTINATION: According to Regulation (EC) 261/2004, the air carrier is liable for damage whenever passengers depart from an airport situated in the territory of an EU Member State subject to the treaty provisions or depart from an airport situated in a third country to an airport situated in the territory of an EU Member State subject to the treaty provisions, unless they enjoy benefits or compensation and assistance in that third country, when the operating air carrier of the flight in question is an EU carrier.
LUGGAGE DELAY: In case of delayed baggage, the air carrier is liable for damage if it did not take all reasonable measures to avoid the damage or if it was impossible for it to take such measures. Liability in case of baggage delay is limited to 1 000 SDRs.
DESTRUCTION, LOSS OR DAMAGE TO BAGGAGE: The air carrier is liable for destruction, loss or damage to baggage up to the amount of 1,000 SDRs. With regard to checked baggage, he is liable even if he is not at fault, unless the baggage was already damaged. With regard to unchecked baggage, the air carrier is only liable for damage caused by its fault.
HIGHER BAGGAGE LIMITS: The passenger can benefit from a higher liability limit by making a special declaration at the latest at the time of check-in and paying an additional fee.
LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY WITH WHICH THE SERVICE HAS BEEN CONTRACTED AND THE COMPANY IN CHARGE OF THE PERFORMANCE: If the airline in charge of the flight is not the same as the contracting airline, the passenger may make a complaint or claim to either of them. If the ticket bears the name or code of an air carrier, it is the contracting air carrier.
TIME LIMITS FOR CLAIMS: Any claim in court must be filed within 2 years of the arrival of the aircraft or the day on which the aircraft should have arrived.
BASIS FOR INFORMATION: The rules described above are based on the Montreal Convention of 28 May 1999, implemented in the Community by Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 (as amended by Regulation (EC) No 889/2002) and by the national legislation of the Member States. This notice, required by European Union Regulation (EC) 889/2002, may not be used to support a claim for compensation or to interpret the provisions of the Regulation or the Montreal Convention.
PASSENGERS’ RIGHTS IN CASE OF REFUSED BOARDING, CANCELLATION OF FLIGHT AND GREAT DELAYS: Article 5 of Regulation (EC) 261/2.004 states that if boarding is denied or if the flight is cancelled, the operating carrier is obliged to compensate the passenger and to provide assistance. Provided they have checked in on time, they are entitled to these rights for any flight, including charter flights:
a. Passengers departing from an airport situated in the territory of an EU Member State to which the Treaty applies.
b. Passengers departing from an airport situated in a third country to an airport situated in the territory of an EU Member State to which the Treaty applies, unless they receive benefits or compensation and assistance in that third country, when the operating air carrier of the flight in question is a Community carrier.
REFUSAL OF BOARDING: When the number of passengers exceeds the number of seats available, the air carrier must first ask for volunteers to give up their seats in return for certain compensation, which must include reimbursement of the ticket (with a free return ticket to the first point of departure, if applicable) or the offer of re-routing to the final destination.
If the passenger does not volunteer, the carrier must pay the passenger compensation of 250 Euros for flights of less than 1 500 kilometres; 400 Euros for flights of more than 1 500 kilometres within the European Union and other non-EU flights between 1 500 and 3 500 kilometres; and 600 Euros for flights of more than 3 500 kilometres outside the European Union. The compensation may be reduced by half if the delay in re-routing does not exceed 2, 3 or 4 hours respectively.
The airline is obliged to give the passenger the choice between a refund of the ticket (together with a free return ticket to the first point of departure, if applicable) or re-routing to the final destination, and to offer free of charge sufficient food and drink, hotel accommodation where necessary (including travel), as well as means of communication.
FLIGHT CANCELLATION: In the event that the flight is cancelled, the operating air carrier must give the passenger the choice between a refund of the ticket (together with a free return ticket to the first point of departure, if applicable) or an alternative means of transport to the final destination, and offer free of charge sufficient food and drink, hotel accommodation where necessary (including travel), and means of communication.
The air carrier may also have to compensate you, in amounts equal to those due in the case of denied boarding, unless it has given you sufficient notice of the cancellation and offers you re-routing at a time close to your original schedule.
Compensation or refunds shall be paid in cash, by bank transfer or cheque or, upon agreement signed by the passenger, in travel vouchers, and shall be paid within 7 days.
If these rights are denied, the User must file a complaint with the operating company of the flight.
Immediate assistance: If the passenger checks in on time for any flight, including charter flights, departing from an airport in the European Union or arriving at an airport in the European Union from an airport outside the European Union if the flight is operated by a Community carrier, and if the carrier operating the flight expects a delay of 2 hours or more for flights of less than 1 500 kilometres; of 3 hours or more for flights of more than 1 500 kilometres within the European Union and for other flights between 1 500 and 3 500 kilometres; or of 4 hours or more for flights of more than 3 500 kilometres outside the European Union, the carrier must provide immediate assistance.500 kilometres within the European Union and for other flights between 1 500 and 3 500 kilometres, or 4 hours or more for flights of more than 3 500 kilometres outside the European Union, the carrier is obliged to provide the passenger with sufficient food and drink, hotel accommodation where necessary (including travel), and means of communication.
When the delay is 5 hours or more, the carrier must also offer the User a refund of the ticket (together with a free return ticket to the first point of departure, if applicable).
If these rights are denied, the User must file a complaint with the operating company of the flight.
Subsequent claims: If an EU carrier is responsible for the delay of a flight anywhere in the world, the User can claim up to 4 150 SDRs for damages. If the company is not satisfied with the claim, you can go to court.
The User may complain to the company with which he/she has contracted his/her trip, or to the company that operates the flight, if they are not the same.

SAÓ declares that it is merely a commission agent for the airline on individual journeys and is therefore not responsible for the contract of carriage by air. Nor shall it be liable in cases of force majeure, nor when, with all due diligence, there is a breach of the air contract not attributable to the agency’s management.
SAÓ is not responsible for duplicate bookings that the User may make. Neither will they be responsible for impossible bookings, for example, that the same passenger flies at the same time to different places, nor will they be responsible for tests that a User makes through the Web using their credit card.
If the User’s credit card is rejected or refused for the payment of the airline tickets reserved for any reason, in the sale of which SAÓ acts as an intermediary, the reservation may be cancelled without prior notice.
In the event of a partial or total refund, cancellation or rejection of the charges made to the credit card, SAÓ will be entitled to charge a non-payment claim fee, having issued and paid for the airline tickets.
USER OBLIGATIONS: Passengers are obliged to arrive at the airport at the time set by the airlines or sufficiently in advance to complete all pre-flight formalities in good time, and in any case at least one and a half hours for domestic flights and two hours for international flights. SAÓ shall not be held responsible for the User’s failure to comply with this provision.
In the case of connections, the User must be aware that there are a series of minimum connection times that must be respected. If you meet them and still miss your connecting flight, the airline will be responsible for putting you on the first available flight, unless you have a restricted ticket. When connections are made with aircraft of the same airline and are missed due to the airline’s fault, the airline will be held 100 per cent responsible in all cases.
It is recommended that the User ask SAÓ about the minimum connection time and always fly with a prudently sufficient margin.
SAÓ shows flights with connections that respect the minimum connection times established by each airport. These minimum times for each airport are established on the basis of connections between planes without taking checked baggage into account, i.e. connections are guaranteed as long as you do not have to pick up your baggage at the connecting airport and check it in again. In case you need to check in luggage during the journey, connection times of more than 2 hours must be observed.
Sometimes airlines offer direct flights with technical stops at a point other than the origin and final destination. These stops may be due to change of aircraft, pick-up of additional passengers or any technical issue. SAÓ will inform you of these stops as long as the airline provides this information. In none of these cases will SAÓ be responsible for any inconvenience or damage caused.
If the User needs to confirm any type of special service such as a wheelchair, animal in cabin/cellar or any type of special food, this must be arranged through the Customer Service Department. In the case of wheelchairs, you must indicate the type of service you need, whether you can climb stairs, etc. In case of animals, type of animal, dimensions of the carrier and total weight of both.
It is the User’s responsibility and totally obligatory to indicate if he/she wishes to confirm the reservation even if the service is denied by the Airline Company. We will not confirm the reservation until we have this information, regardless of the status of the requested service.

The User accepts that when SAÓ acts as an intermediary between the User and the Providers, SAÓ will not be responsible under any circumstances for the Services that the User has booked with one or more Providers. SAÓ shall not be liable to the extent that the Customer may claim damages under an insurance policy, such as travel insurance or travel contract cancellation insurance.
SAÓ undertakes to act with the utmost diligence to ensure that the data appearing on this website is true and up to date at all times. The information displayed on this Website has been provided by the respective Providers and SAÓ accepts no liability for inaccuracies, provided that the modification or change of the information to correct such inaccuracies has been notified to the User prior to agreeing to the Service and the offer mentions the possibility of making changes; or the parties agree on the changes necessary to modify these inaccuracies. The User must make sure to verify all the above information before making the booking.
SAÓ also uses the greatest possible effort and diligence to transfer the descriptions of each service provided by the establishments themselves, on the dates of contracting and for this purpose, it makes use of indicative photographs displayed in the programme, of people, landscapes or flats; trying at all times to ensure that these descriptions reflect as objectively as possible the reality of what has been contracted and to avoid misleading, confusing or deceiving the User with regard to substantial information. Photographs, by their very temporary nature, are not contractual in themselves, but must be considered together with the whole description of the services objectively contracted.
The Website may contain links to other websites over which SAÓ has no control and for whose content it is not responsible. Likewise, SAÓ shall not be responsible for the technical availability of the Web pages that the user accesses through its Website.
SAÓ will not be responsible for damages derived from infringements by any User that affect the rights of another User or third parties including copyright, trademarks, patents, confidential information and any other intellectual and industrial property rights. SAÓ shall not be liable for any damages caused to the User in the event of impossibility of providing the Services that are the object of the present general conditions in cases of force majeure, fortuitous event or other causes not attributable to the same. Nor shall it be liable for inappropriate use of the Service as a result of a defective configuration of the user’s computer equipment or insufficient capacity to support the computer systems necessary for the use of the services offered.
SAÓ makes every effort within its means to offer the information contained on the website truthfully and without typographical errors. In the event of any error of this type occurring at any time, beyond the control of SAÓ, it will be corrected immediately. If there is a typographical error in any of the prices shown and if a customer has made a purchase decision based on said error, SAÓ will assume the error, giving full effectiveness to the purchase, except in the case that said error marks such a disproportionate difference with respect to the average price of the on-line market for that product that it is obvious and notorious for any person of average diligence to perceive it.
SAÓ is not responsible for the passport, visa or health requirements of the country of entry, their validity or veracity, or the stopover/link between flights. It is the obligation of the User of any contracted Service to inform themselves and ensure that the entry requirements are feasible for their trip according to their own personal or legal situation, as well as the necessary identification documentation according to the country to which they are travelling and the airline/s contracted. The User is warned that on certain occasions, the identity document will not be sufficient for domestic or continental flights, such as Iberia 6000 series flights or flights that have started their journey outside our borders and use Spain as a transit zone to their final destination. In the event of failure to comply with these recommendations and/or requirements, the User shall be solely responsible for any expense, loss, damage and/or prejudice incurred by him/herself or the company, including not being able to enjoy the trip once it has been contracted. The US Department of Homeland Security requires all passengers flying to or transiting through the US, including Puerto Rico, to possess a machine-readable passport and to have completed and obtained an ESTA travel authorisation, including minors. It also informs of the need to obtain any other authorisation that is appropriate and obligatory for entry and transit in the country of destination or transit, all in accordance with the applicable regulations. All this information can be found on the website of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs at: http://www.exteriores.gob.es

8.1 In the event that the contracted ESCAPADAS SAÓ combines transport, accommodation and other significant tourist services in accordance with a global price, it shall be governed by the provisions of Book IV of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of 16 November, which approves the Consolidated Text of the General Law for the Defence of Consumers and Users and other Complementary Laws.

The cancellation of the services requested or contracted by the client that are not legally covered by a reason of force majeure, will entail the obligation to pay the management costs, the cancellation costs, if any, and a penalty on the total amount of the contracted trip:

Cancellation from the time of booking up to 10 days before the start of the trip, penalty of 10 %.

Cancellation between 10 – 3 days before the start of the trip, penalty of 20 %.

Cancellation 48 hours before the start of the trip 50 % cancellation fee

In case of no show (no show) penalty of 100%.

The client is also informed that in the event that the ESCAPADA SAÓ is subject to special economic conditions of contracting, such as chartering planes, ships or special rates (groups), etc., cancellation charges higher than those established in the previous paragraph may be established, which will be established in accordance with these General Conditions and with the particular conditions that, if applicable, are accepted by the User at the time the Reservation is formalised.
SAÓ and the other agencies and/or suppliers involved in this type of service shall be liable to the consumer and user in accordance with the obligations that correspond to them in their respective areas of management of the SAÓ ESCAPADES, for the correct fulfilment of the obligations arising from the contract, regardless of whether these are to be carried out by themselves or by other service providers, and without prejudice to the right of the organisers and retailers to take action against these service providers.
This liability to the consumer and user shall be joint and several, without prejudice to the right of recourse of the party liable to the consumer and user against whom the breach or defective performance of the contract is imputable according to their respective scope of management of the package.
It shall also be liable for damages suffered by the consumer and user as a result of the non-execution or deficient execution of the contract, although this liability shall cease when any of the following circumstances occur:
a) The defects observed in the performance of the contract are attributable to the consumer and user.
b) That these defects are attributable to a third party external to the supply of the services foreseen in the contract and are of an unforeseeable or insurmountable nature.
c) That the defects referred to are due to reasons of force majeure, understood as circumstances beyond the control of the party invoking them, abnormal and unforeseeable, the consequences of which could not have been avoided, despite having acted with due diligence.
(d) the defects are due to an event which the retailer or, as the case may be, the organiser, despite having taken all due care, could not have foreseen and could not have overcome.
In the event of exclusion of liability due to the occurrence of any of the circumstances provided for in paragraphs b), c) and d) the organiser and the retailer who are party to the contract shall nevertheless be obliged to provide the necessary assistance to the consumer and user who gets into difficulties.
Compensation for damages resulting from the non-performance or improper performance of the services included in the package shall be limited in accordance with the provisions of the international conventions governing such services.
8.2 For the rest of SAÓ ESCAPADES not subject to the circumstances of the first paragraph of the previous section, the services will be understood as “loose”, and SAÓ will act as a mere intermediary between the service provider and the user, the contract being governed by the specific conditions of said providers, which will be previously communicated to the user, SAÓ not being liable for the execution of the contract of transport, accommodation or tourist service contracted.

9.1. All activities in natural environments, especially in the mountains, involve risks. The guide will manage them to maximise the safety of the participants but will never be able to guarantee it completely.
9.2. It is the client’s responsibility to inform the company of any allergies, injuries or illnesses he/she may have had that may affect him/her during the activity. It is also the client’s responsibility to listen to the guide’s indications and to act according to the guide’s indications.
9.3. The guide responsible for the activity has the right to refuse a client due to lack of preparation, insufficient equipment or failure to obey his instructions.
9.4. The guide/provider may decide to suspend the activity before the start of the activity due to weather conditions up to 24 hours before the activity, in which case the client will have the right to book other dates at the same price. If the change is made within 24 hours the provider is obliged to offer a similar activity but in a secure environment on the same date.
In accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data, the User accepts that the personal data provided by him/her or that may be provided in the future to SAÓ will be processed in a personal data file called CLIENT, owned by SAÓ. The User expressly consents that the data thus registered may be used for statistical purposes, to send advertising and other commercial promotions, to carry out competitions with prizes, to subscribe to newsletters, to administer the service subscribed to and to manage incidents.
SAÓ informs the User that the data supplied and stored in our databases are protected by security systems that prevent unauthorised third parties from accessing them. If the contracting party wishes to exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, they may write to SAÓ Viajes naturales S.L. Calle Almas 3, (46002) Valencia, Spain or send an e-mail to info@saoviajes.es. SAÓ makes every effort to have the most up-to-date systems for the effectiveness of these security systems.
For the purposes of the provisions of Article 11 LOPD, the User accepts that their data may be communicated to any of the companies of SAÓ VIAJES NATURALES S.L, for the sole purpose of providing their services, as well as for the processing of the same, or for sending information and advertising on offers, promotions or other information related to the activity and services offered through this website.
If the user wishes to exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to the sending of information and offers, they can send an email to info@saoviajes.es to request cancellation of this service.
In relation to the provisions of articles 33 and 34 of the LOPD, the User consents to SAÓ transferring their personal data to recipients, under the terms and conditions indicated above, in countries other than Spain, including those that do not provide a level of protection comparable to that provided by the LOPD.
In any case, in the event that the User decides to contract any of the Services offered or advertised on this Website, SAÓ will transfer the personal data supplied to the different Providers who must provide the same, with the sole purpose of being able to comply with the object of the contract which, if applicable, is formalised via this Website.
In compliance with the provisions of article 22.2 of the Law on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI) and in accordance with European Directive 2009/136/EC, SAÓ informs you that this Website accepts the use of cookies. Cookies are files sent to your browser by a web server in order to record the user’s activities during their browsing time. The cookies used by the website are only associated with an anonymous user and their computer, and do not in themselves provide the user’s personal data. by using cookies it is possible for the server where the website is located to recognise the web browser used by the user in order to make browsing easier, allowing, for example, access to users who have fully registered, access to the areas, services, promotions, etc., to the website and to the services and promotions offered by the website.
The cookies used on this website are, in any case, of a temporary nature with the sole purpose of making their subsequent transmission more efficient. Under no circumstances will cookies be used to collect personal information.
If you would like more information about the use of cookies and information collection practices, you can request it by the same means as those described in the PERSONAL DATA section.
The User acknowledges and accepts that all graphic and word content, designs or any other elements susceptible of industrial and/or commercial use of this site, whether visual, technological or computerised, individually or jointly considered, are affected by the industrial and intellectual property rights of SAÓ or of the persons or companies that appear as their authors or owners, who have the exclusive right to use, modify, copy or distribute them and may take the actions that protect them against those who violate them.
These General Terms and Conditions are governed by Spanish law.
The parties submit, at their choice, to the courts and tribunals of the user’s domicile for the resolution of conflicts, renouncing any other jurisdiction. All claims or disputes arising out of or in connection with the operation, use or purchase of any product or service provided to end users on this Website shall be settled by the Courts and Tribunals of the User’s domicile. The foregoing shall not apply in cases where the law of the User’s country of residence requires the application of another law or jurisdiction, provided that a contractual exclusion of this legal provision is not possible.
The contents, products and services included in this website are in accordance with Spanish law, and are not intended for or directed at persons resident in other jurisdictions. The User undertakes not to contract the same in the event of any aspect of the same being contrary to the legislation of their residence.
I. In the event that any clause of these General Conditions is declared null and void, voidable or unenforceable by a Court or competent authority, it shall be considered, provided that this does not contradict the provisions of the applicable legislation, that the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining clauses, and of the part of the clause declared null and void or unenforceable that is valid, shall remain in force. In this case, the ineffective clause shall be replaced by a new clause or shall be interpreted in a manner consistent with the law in force, with a wording and spirit as close as possible to the clause that would have been concluded had it been known that the clause was unenforceable.
II. The provisions of these General Terms and Conditions may only be amended in writing. In any case, SAÓ reserves the right to make changes or modifications to both the Website and these General Conditions, provided that these modifications do not affect previously formalised contracts.

SAÓ viajes Naturales travel agency is registered in the Mercantile Register of Valencia, Volume 10127, Folio 100, Page V-170920.
Telephone: 961 06 49 03
Contact email :info@saoviajes.es
Travel agency SAÓ Viajes naturales S.L. with registered office at Calle Almas 3 CP. 46002 Valencia.
SAÓ is a travel agency subject to the supervision of the travel agencies of the Valencian Community, being registered with the Valencian Community Identity Code CV-Mm1903-V.
CIF B-988-28-544

SAÓ VIAJES NATURALES, S.L. (hereinafter, “SAÓ”), through the management of www.SAÓviajes.es aims to offer the User unique experiences through ecological, healthy and sustainable travel proposals with social values.
Based on this objective and on the most demanding criteria of confidentiality and transparency, this Privacy and Data Protection Policy (hereinafter, PPPD) is aimed at providing you with all the information you need to understand the scope and purpose of data processing so that your acceptance, which is absolutely necessary to access and use the website, is based on fully informed knowledge, in accordance with the criteria established in Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on Personal Data Protection (hereinafter, LOPD) or the regulations that replace it.
“User”: a natural or legal person, whether public or private, who accesses and uses the website, whether by registering or not.
“Registered User” means a natural person who accesses and uses the Site having created a User Account.
“Controller” means the natural or legal person, whether public or private, or administrative body, who decides on the purpose, content and use of the processing.
“Data Processor”: the natural or legal person, public authority, service or any other body which, alone or jointly with others, processes personal data on behalf of the data controller in accordance with art. 12 of the LOPD.
“Personal Data” means any information relating to identified or identifiable natural persons.
The rest of the definitions (art. 3 LOPD) and the full text of the LOPD are available here.
1. Origin
In order to be able to provide its services correctly and for the User to make the most of the website, it requires a series of personal data that may be collected directly from You (registration or update forms, publications, offer or receipt of reservations, payments, when You simply send us an e-mail or call us by telephone, photographs, etc.), indirectly through Your registration on the website or through the use of technological instruments (cookies, plug-ins, widgets, etc.).
Likewise, by accepting this PPPD, you certify that you understand and accept the possibility that SAÓ, solely for the purposes described in the following third section, may access, review and analyse the communications that Users make with each other through the website.
2. Types of data processed
In addition to the usual personal data included in the forms (name, address, dates of stay, credit card, etc.), there is also data which, although digital, is still personal data (IPs, origin of links used to access the website, preferences, marketing, etc. Cookies, plugins and other tracking technologies).
SAÓ reminds you that it does not store your credit card details, but simply the information necessary for the correct management of the services contracted by the User.
3. Purpose of the processing of personal data.
The main purpose of the processing of personal data is the management and correct fulfilment of the contract between the user and SAÓ, including the publication of their travel proposals and the facilitation, as far as possible, of means for the resolution of disputes between them.
The use of the data is as follows:
To ensure that the content of the website is tailored to your needs and those of your team.
For the continuous improvement of the user experience.
To formalise their contracts.
For the prevention of fraud and maintenance of security, compliance with any legally applicable regulations or the legitimate defence of SAÓ’s interests.
To inform you of any changes to our service.
4. Data Controller-Treatment Controller.
For cases in which SAÓ is responsible for configuring its relationship with the User as Data Controller, in accordance with the provisions of the LOPD, the User is informed and accepts that the personal data provided by him or her or that may be provided in the future to SAÓ will be processed in a personal data file called USERS, duly registered in the Register of the Spanish Data Protection Agency and whose ownership is held by SAÓ. The processing of your data will always be carried out under the strictest security systems available to SAÓ.
For any queries regarding this PPPD, the User may contact SAÓ by e-mail at info@saoviajes.es.
The data collected is stored and may be transferred in encrypted form outside the European Union to one of our suppliers. By providing us with your personal data, you agree to this transfer in the event of such a transfer.
We may also use your data, or allow third parties to use your data, to provide you with information about products and services which may be of interest to you. If you do not want us to use your data in this way, please tick the appropriate box on the order form or registration form.
Both parties agree that the security measures to be applied shall be, in the absence of specific and express indication by the Data Controller, those corresponding to the low level indicated in Royal Decree 1720/2007, of 21 December, which approves the Regulations for the development of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the protection of personal data.
5. Communication of Personal Data.
Your data will not be disclosed to third parties, except in the following cases:
Once you have given your consent to the distribution and/or disclosure of your data.
For the provision of services performed by third parties for SAÓ, including payment processing, data analysis, tourism services, processing of certain aspects of marketing services. SAÓ will only send the User’s personal information to its suppliers.
If we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal data in order to comply with any legal obligation, or in order to protect the rights, property, or safety of SAÓ, our customers, or others. This includes the exchange of information with other companies and organisations for the purposes of fraud protection and credit risk reduction.
By provision of law, regulation or pursuant to a decision of a competent judicial or regulatory authority or, if necessary, in order to preserve their rights and interests.
If SO or substantially all of its assets are acquired by a third party, in which case personal data held by it about its customers will be one of the transferred assets.
6. User rights.
6.1. Right to object:
You may object at any time to the use of your personal data for commercial or advertising purposes by writing to the following e-mail address: info@saoviajes.es.
6.2 Rights of access, rectification and cancellation:
SAÓ assures you the exercise of your rights of access, rectification and cancellation, in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD) and its implementing regulations, by writing to SAÓ VIAJES NATURALES, S.L., calle Almas, 3. 46002 Valencia , or by e-mail to: info@saoviajes.es
Remember that you can access directly from your private area and ask SAÓ to exercise your rights.
5.3 Changes to the Privacy Policy:
SAÓ reserves the right to make any changes it deems appropriate at any time and without prior notice. Any changes to our data protection policy will be posted on this page and you will be notified by email.
7. Modifications to the PPPD.
SAÓ reserves the right to unilaterally modify this privacy policy without prior notice.
However, in the event of substantial changes, Users will be notified by e-mail of the existence of such a modification. If SAÓ does not receive any opposition from the User within the periods established by law, it will understand the User’s tacit consent to the new PPPD.

SAÓ viajes Naturales travel agency is registered in the Mercantile Register of Valencia, Volume 10127, Folio 100, Page V-170920.

Telephone: 961 06 49 03
Contact email : info@saoviajes.es
Travel agency SAÓ Viajes naturales S.L. with registered office at Calle Almas 3 CP. 46002 Valencia.
SAÓ is a travel agency subject to the supervision of the travel agencies of the Valencian Community, being registered with the Valencian Community Identity Code CV-Mm1903-V.
CIF B-988-28-544

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